Mia Rose Jett, a troubled nineteen-year-old who is unapologetically herself. After many run-ins with the law, Mia is sent away to a reformatory school called Dolor located in the UK. Now if you didn't know, Dolor means "a state of sorrow or distress" in other words, pain. So already, one should understand that the journey of our Heroine and Hero will not be rainbows and roses. Due to events that happened when she was a young girl, Mia is unable to feel. The last thing she expected was to meet a young man who felt enough for the both of them.
Oliver Masters, Ollie, sweetheart by day, poet by night, was the last person Mia thought she would meet at Dolor. Ollie is the green-eyed tattooed Angel who was sent to Dolor for events that were beyond his control. Though this novel does come with a warning and you should read at your own risk, it is so worth the emotional journey you are taken on. Though this trope is not explicitly stated, addiction is the underlying factor many of these characters have in common. Addiction of a substance, action, high, and yes, of a person. See how Mia, Ollie, and everyone else at Dolor deals with their repercussions of their actions and the desire to find a sense of belonging within the land of the misfits. I consider this a FIVE STAR read, and I highly recommend it to everyone! I know many people read this book in one sitting, but I was so affected by Mia's story that I had to take a break and really think about what was happening. Nicole's character development is beyond perfect, and so well thought out, you can genuinely see them as real people. Ollie and Mia's love story will steal your heart and hold it captive until Nicole releases the next book in the Stay With Me Series. I cannot wait to do a reread of this book and get lost in the world Ollie dreams about! I hope you love this book as much as I do!
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